Had the opening of our Nighthawks exhibition at The Bin in Cape Town on Sunday afternoon. It was really good, lot of people showed up, R5 beer and Rudi was there. Blaise and Pierre from The Bin are the best blokes and I want to say thanks for an awesome weekend. The show is running till the 28th so if you didn't make it on Sunday go round to The Bin and have a look. And buy lots of things from the store. Later
What a load of artfag bullshit... get a real job you hippie. My ass takes better photos with a disposable. Fucking acloholic.
Love Rick De La Ray
Interesting comment. I would say I wish I had less friends like that, but then again, I do; most likely smacked them all.
If that's by way of a joking compliment... well, I'm going to kick it old school, and rather say that I think Warren's work is of a quality second only to that of the poes klap I'm going to give Rick.
Now... try figure out if I'm joking.
I love you too Liam and now im christian.
Love Rick De La Ray
There seems to be a whole lot of rolling up of sleeves 'round this joint.
It takes a hard man to say "most likely smacked them all", but an even harder man to say "I love you".
In the words of Roots Manuva: "Who's the hardest?"
(chorus x4)
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