These are the layouts for the next Stage fashion editorial. We planned to do a shoot with guys in dresses for the girl issue but a deadline jumped out of nowhere and forced us to make an alternate plan. We had two days to organise a fashion shoot and lay it out so we went to 'Back 2 Basix' on Saturday night while Diesel Whores and Rokkeloos were doing a gig and shot these pics. We shot around 1 in the morning when everyone was obviously not sober anymore and it ended up being a seriously bizarre evening, as you can see in the pics. My favourite one is Jaxon pulling some poor lads pants off. Classic.
Nice work chop man
Nice pics, looks like you used a Holga camera, the pics become more like snapshots in a local bar with your travel time in mind. one thing - the female band members I spot are from Rokkeloos? wow, they must have balls under those mini-skirts to perform such crap in front of an aundience. but hey your images are fresh and yet so NY. Lekker, I love the challenges you ride on.
The photos are shit and warren is seriously slacking these days... his drinking habits and hanging out with rif raf is appaling. The fact remains that he was too slack to shoot the "man in a dress" idea we wanted to do but he saved his ass at back to basics with the chaos... - i still owe the girl with the tits some marching powder for letting us print the photo... I suppose its rock roll...
PS. There is a fine line between art, crap and talent... having balls is a major of all those three.
The images are fresh and yet so NY... ok its a compliment but they are 100% Joburg bitch lets not forget where we are from and hopefully some one in NY is saying "Hey your pictures are fresh and yet so Josie..."
Thanks you and good night...
Stefan Naude' - Editor STAGE magazine
hi mr editor
nice of you to become so worked up. it is great that some of us still love the occainsional debate.
it was not a compliment but rather pos crit. saying the photo's NY is saying that yes it is fresh, but i have seen it before, so think before you write so fast.
P.S for you - yes it does take balls to create crap specially with no talent, if those are the 3 catagories you live by......
oh, and warren hanging with rif raf?
creates such a more perspective world, that the one line auto tunes you spray around, sort of MTV don't you think Josie?
kind regards
Nice to see people arguing on my blog, and anonymous, I'm glad you liked the fashion. Later
But is an argument ever any fun when one party's anonymous? How do you know who's face to bash in at the next gig?
ag old Stef double f super deff...
warren you rif raffer!!!
nice work once again my man!
see you soon in CT.
Dear Anonymous... You obviously dont know me and dont know the way i express myself. I have been working with warren since he was styding and we have worked together on many publications... Infact he is the only photographer i choose to work with besides Liam Lynch.
It might have sounded on the blog that i'm highly upset with Warren and you and the rest of the world... but i'm slightly gothic so it seeps through my skin sometimes.
I didn't get the MTV part of your deal but it doesn't really matter. NY is so yesterday seriously, every second designer, photographer, photographer or artist wants to go to NY... FUCK NY
Lets create something new right here. I live by a lot of things,I also dont loosely say a band is crap for no reason at all. A lot of peole hate Rokkeloos... including you. A lot of people hated the Beastie boys when they came out... need i say more. Your hate shows your lack of music knowledge clearly.
Warren is rif raf - face it. Everyone at STAGE Magazine is much to be desired for...
OK - so i'm not fighting, just replying. Please stop taking everything i say so fucking seriously and so literally.
And i'm sure this can go on for days but as far as im concerned this conversation is over.
Lets hook up over a drink or whetever else your into and you will see im not a bad guy at all. If you are a photographer - please send in your work and maybe we can work together in the future...
Love Stefan
PS: Please dont knock me over the head in the future at some gig if you see me.I'm so over that shit.
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